Installing unsigned PKGs with OS X 10.8


Plenty of developers have not signed for their paid Apple Developer ID ($99/year) and signed their installers or standalone apps, resulting on GateKeeper not allowing to open them.

Until they are code signed, follow this small tutorial to make them work.
Plug-Ins do not need to be signed in order to work.


Once the file has been downloaded.
Click Dock Downloads folder.
Click Open in Finder.


Select the PKG installer by clicking it once.
Click the tasks button.
Click Open.


Once the dialog box appear, click Open.
The installer needs to copy files to your System folders like
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/ and will ask for admin password for that.
Follow installer steps.
Great OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion tutorial reales for those who haven't changed the default Gatekeeper setting*! I'm making this a sticky, at least until all plug-in companies are signed. This is great advice for folks not familiar with the new Gatekeeper functionality in Mountain Lion and have kept the default setting.


* FWIW, if the radio button on the Gatekeeper pref pane is set to allow all applications, you won't have to go through this. However, I personally recommend keeping the default value, because 1) it does have some effectiveness in giving Apple a mechanism to fight malware and 2) as reales tutorial shows, it can be easily circumvented for apps that you know are fine.