
  1. Z

    Logic Pro Plug in by Super Tone - Clear - Loud Static Bast

    Hi All I just wanted to help everyone to let them know there is a serious bug with super tone clear. It produces loud crackly white noise bursts at random times. I took me 2- 3 days to figure out what was causing the problem, but finally it was definitely super tone clear. FYI I'm running Mac...
  2. T

    Logic Pro logic "merging" 2 tracks after normalise

    I did a live recording of my band. Trying to mix, I normalised the bass track. now it seems to be merged with the kick. If I mute the bass track it has no effect, only if I mute the kick track can I kill the bass! However, in the sample editor, the bass is separate, as is the kick. ie on their...