control surface

  1. frodo.jedi

    Logic Pro Automatic setting Format and Mode parameters for Learn Mode

    Hi all, I am sending CC messages from Max/MSP to Logic in order to automatize the control of some faders/effects parameters by means of Control Surface Assignments. For some reasons, when performing the Learn Mode procedure, Logic sets in the Value section, the parameters Format to "2's...
  2. frodo.jedi

    Logic Pro Problem with Zones and Modes in Control Surface Assignments

    Hi all, I have a nanoKontrol2 midi device, and I want to use its faders/knobs to control some parameters of the plugin effects in different projects. Specifically, I want to create various projects and control with that same device, either the same or different parameters of either the same or...
  3. mk3

    Logic Pro Logic Pro X & Mackie Control Universal Pro-blems

    Hello everyone - A problem began with the usually harmonious relationship between Logic Pro and the Mackie Control Universal Pro. The MCU will no longer properly follow Banks when selecting a track of a different Bank (of 8 tracks) in the Arrange window. That is to say: If one selects a track...