logic update

  1. EdgarRothermich

    Logic Pro New Book Release: "Logic Pro - What's new in 10.6"

    I just released my new book "Logic Pro - What's New in 10.6" It is a bit late, I know, and we are already at 10.6.2 but there were so many small little changes and additions in this version that I thought it is worth demonstrating them all in my detailed "Graphically Enhanced Manuals "...
  2. GaryJackson

    Logic Pro Why cant I see Logic X 10.2.3 update in the App store?

    Hey guys, hope your all doing well. Just a quick question and I hope someone can answer this - I couldn't seem to find a similar thread with the same problem.. But, I can not seem to see the new update in the App store. Our studio Mac Pro got the update fine but our laptop (macbook pro) cant...