3xstereo 10xmono Multi-timbral Instruments? Possible?


I want to create a Kontakt drum-kit instrument, using drum hits i've sampled with a mic setup consisting of 3 stereo pairs and 10 mono mics.
However, when I create the instrument track in Logic, I can only select from 16xmono, 1xstereo, 15 mono, 8xstereo 8xmono, etc.

These options either give me too few mono tracks or too few stereo tracks. I want 3xstereo and 10xmono.

Is it possible to modify the number of stereo and mono outputs, so that I can have 3xstereo 10xmono?

Obviously I can create the right number of output channels inside kontakt. But I can't match that to the physical outs of Logic's multi-timbral instrument. (If I put two mono outputs onto a stereo physical out, then of course they come out split L / R.)

Many thanks for your help.
thanks very much, i hadn't thought of that.

i'm guessing then that it's impossible to get a 10 mono 3 stereo multi-timbral instance of kontakt.
Yes, those selections for Kontakt don't really have that much meaning. You can configure the output's default set up yourself within Kontakt and save it as the default but it is a PITA. I would take Bayswater's recommendation.
I don't know that you want to end up with 13 instances of Kontakt. There's no point in having more instances than processor cores. Maybe 3 or 4 would be manageable.
ok, thanks for your input.

the reason for wanting so many channels for the multi-timbral instrument is so that i can process the mics as one would with a standard multi-track recording of a drum kit.

thanks again
And you can, just not with the specific combo of mono/stereo you would like. you would like.

really, how?
i tried saving the output setup i'd created as a default, and restarting logic. but this had no effect on the available plugins (still 16xMono, 1xStereo 15xMono, 16xStereo, etc etc). (if i'm understanding your suggestion correctly).

tbh i didn't fully understand your first post. eg "those selections for Kontakt don't really have that much meaning". i am fine with setting up outputs in kontakt. it's being able to have a plugin running with, for example, a single multi-timbral instance of kontakt with 3 'physical' stereo channels and 14 'physical' mono channels in logic, which is the issue.

thanks v much for your responses, hugely appreciated.
And you can, just not with the specific combo of mono/stereo you would like. you would like.

really, how?
i tried saving the output setup i'd created as a default, and restarting logic. but this had no effect on the available plugins (still 16xMono, 1xStereo 15xMono, 16xStereo, etc etc). (if i'm understanding your suggestion correctly).

tbh i didn't fully understand your first post. eg "those selections for Kontakt don't really have that much meaning". i am fine with setting up outputs in kontakt. it's being able to have a plugin running with, for example, a single multi-timbral instance of kontakt with 3 'physical' stereo channels and 14 'physical' mono channels in logic, which is the issue.

thanks v much for your responses, hugely appreciated.

ah, my apologies. i see that you mean that it's possible to process a kontakt instrument in the same way as a multi-tracked instrument (i think). well yes, of course. thanks again.
No I mean it IS possible, although a colossal PITA, to set up a Kontakt multi-output setup, save it as a default, close and re-open it, open the drum kit and do the output assignments, and then have them come in on Logic auxes.
it's not workable in my application, which is why i'm asking whether that aspect is modifiable (to speak plainly, no antagonism intended!)... it seems that it's not, in my understanding. another example would be where a user wants to have 18 stereo auxes in logic, representing 18 kontakt outputs, each to be processed separately. as far as i can tell, one would have to submix some channels inside kontakt before routing to 16 auxes in logic, which is not desirable or fit for purpose in some cases.

thanks very much for responding.
Based on what you said, I still don't understand the problem. Seems to me the limitation is that VIs are usually limited to 16 outputs, and you want 18. (Don't know where 18 came from when we started with 10 mono and 3 stereo) I can't get more than 16 stereo outs in Aria, MachFive, Sampletank, etc. It's not specific to Kontakt. What if you wanted 128 stereo outputs? You can't do that in a single instance of Kontakt either.

In what way does the use of multiple instances of Kontakt not meet the requirement you have, if you can't work out the 10+3 in one instance?
Based on what you said, I still don't understand the problem. Seems to me the limitation is that VIs are usually limited to 16 outputs, and you want 18. (Don't know where 18 came from when we started with 10 mono and 3 stereo) I can't get more than 16 stereo outs in Aria, MachFive, Sampletank, etc. It's not specific to Kontakt. What if you wanted 128 stereo outputs? You can't do that in a single instance of Kontakt either.

In what way does the use of multiple instances of Kontakt not meet the requirement you have, if you can't work out the 10+3 in one instance?

you're totally right. i only persisted in my line of questioning because i wasn't entirely sure whether i was being told (by j asher) that what i was after WAS possible (perhaps i should have included the caveat that i meant 'within a single instance of kontakt'), or not! it's clear now.

multple instances of kontakt - yep, great, just not quite as economical or slick workflow-wise as one would have been.

thanks very much for responding.
"it's not workable in my application"

I think, respectfully, you need to rethink "my application."

which is why i asked the original question, to find out whether i needed to rethink my application. (being able to process a kontakt instrument as if it were a fully multi-tracked drum kit strikes me as a useful application). it turns out the best possible solution is to just use more than one instance of kontakt; i guess you could call that 'rethinking my application'.

a great many thanks.
I MUST be missing something:

Please tell me why 1 mono out apiece or kick, snares, high tom, mid tom, low tom, cowbell, tambourine, and 1 other kit piece, with stereo for hats, another cymbals plus whatever you want on the other 2 stereo outs is not enough to get the job done in a single instance.