Logic Pro 9 9.1.8 Has staved off men in white coats!


New Member
Logic update arrived just in time, thank you Apple!

Only yesterday I was close to despair about Logic's tendency to quit or hang up the whole iMac after I changed audio buffer size :brkwl: With this update I haven't been able to upset it once yet :thmbup:

Also a big relief: I'd sort of come to terms with avoiding having Focusrite's Scarlett MixControl app open with Logic, to avoid Logic tending to quit or hang after a change to project sample rate (made in Logic, not MixControl) - but that now also seems to be a nightmare of the past. Phew.

I was hoping the update would also fix up my WaveWindow oscilloscope AU plug-in (by Laidman & Katsura), but no luck there. Waveforms (even unmodulated mono) of less than about 100Hz or so just won't hold onto trigger sync. Most annoying, since it would be handy when setting compressor attack, hold and release times to avoid distortion on very low bass notes. But at least now it's probably a good time to moan at Laidman & Katsura about getting this otherwise nice plug-in more fully sorted.

As for the Melodyne problem, that was bad enough that I eventually avoided using my Melodyne Editor plug-in like the plague. But hey! Sweetness, light and good behaviour has returned there also!

I could be harsh and say these and other problems have shown up Logic to be a somewhat less than professional-quality app. But I'll be generous and say better late than never.
Interesting. What problems are you having with Melodyne? I've had it up and running for days with zero issues. My Specs are same as yours exempt I'm on a tower.

The only thing I'd wish they'd fix is export audio to movie (64) I know its QT issue but...
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Well it's encouraging that Apple is still working on improving Logic...
BTW, I never got any issue with Melodyne 2!?
On the downside for me, the 32bit bridge crash problem still occurs regularly, even though there is no 32bit plugin instanciated! Sigh!!
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