Ive been searching for some explanation of what is probably basic knowledge but Ive not found it so here goes.
I run an Echo Audiofire soundcard with Krk monitors connected on output 1/2.
I run Logic with the logic mixer master fader at 0 and choose my monitorlevels with the masterfader in the Echo software mixer.
Up until now Ive had the rearmount speaker level adjust knob to -30 db on both speakers and the nominal level to +4db in the software mixer.
When Ive needed more volume I have adjusted the rear knob on the speakers.
Is it better to set the speakers to 0db and change the software mixer to -10 to attenuate and control everything from the software mixer main fader?
By doing it this way I get a bigger range of choices of volume easily controlled from the software.
Can someone please just help me understand these different options and what the +4/-10 options really mean and the best way to set up this system?
Ive been searching for some explanation of what is probably basic knowledge but Ive not found it so here goes.
I run an Echo Audiofire soundcard with Krk monitors connected on output 1/2.
I run Logic with the logic mixer master fader at 0 and choose my monitorlevels with the masterfader in the Echo software mixer.
Up until now Ive had the rearmount speaker level adjust knob to -30 db on both speakers and the nominal level to +4db in the software mixer.
When Ive needed more volume I have adjusted the rear knob on the speakers.
Is it better to set the speakers to 0db and change the software mixer to -10 to attenuate and control everything from the software mixer main fader?
By doing it this way I get a bigger range of choices of volume easily controlled from the software.
Can someone please just help me understand these different options and what the +4/-10 options really mean and the best way to set up this system?