Logic Pro 9 aiff files go out of pitch when imported to logic 9...HELP..!!!


New Member
Hey everyone, need some help with this one please.

i downloaded some loops from producerloops now when i try to import 1 of the loops in logic 9 it just goes out of pitch & sounds pretty weird...they all are .aiff format.

m directly dragging it from my desktop to the arranger window & if i try to add them through import command it wont happen because they are not highlighted
so i cant select them....please somebody help me.!!
Hi there, welcome to the LUG.

This could be caused by the Audio Files being at a different sample rate to the one your logic project is set to. If for example, you load some 44,1 kHz files into a project set at 48 kHz, they will playback slightly faster, at a higher pitch.

kind regards

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Hey mark , thanx a lot for taking out time for this.

I tried changing the sampling rate where it was set at 44.1 khz by default & 48 also i tried but still no use.

At 44.1 the pitch gets too low & on 48 it gets too high. is there any thing else i could do.?
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