Stephe, Thanks very much for the suggestions, unfortunately I have tried most of them. A man in Canada wrote some software to add velocity curves to the instrument I play. He kindly sent me a copy, but it is still in the development stage and can only run on a Mac in the Terminal. I tried to set it up but never succeeded in getting it to work, also some very experienced wind controller players told me they didn't think it would work.
As far as I know Logic has no velocity curve feature, not sure how that would work anyway. The Akai EWI has no velocity curves, but an incredible amount of dynamic range, the player must learn to let air escape from sides of mouth when playing, I still need practice on that but have recorded some bits and it sounds good enough for me. I don't expect to be able to really use what I know about wind instruments in Logic, I just wanted to make a CD of my favorite pieces for family and friends. I spent 20 years playing Baroque Bassoon in many groups in Europe, so equal temperament will always sound bad to me since it wasn't put into use until +/- 1850, before that well tempered was used to insure the thirds were pure, any vibrato was limited to a solo passage on one long note, otherwise the vibrato makes the sought after pure thirds false sounding. No one today, except old music specialists, would hear the difference in an equal tempered third and a pure third, thanks to elevator muzak. I have MIDI Monitor so if you want I can post a list of the velocities as I blow more air into the Akai. I think you hit the nail on the head with paragraphs 3 and 5. The EXS should be capable of transforming the Apple JamPack 4 winds to sound natural when controlled by an external MIDI Controller, as I wrote, the sounds that come out when Logic plays the MIDI file with it's sequencer are more realistic, but without any subtle tempo changes it is too mechanical sounding. And finally, yes I had thought to try recording with aftertouch and without,I do have the manual and it's easy to turn the meta data sends on and off.