Logic Studio apps "Assign MIDI note" removed in MS2.0.1?

Robert Wilson


In MS2.0.0, we could assign an incoming MIDI note from a footswitch to a different MIDI note via the screen control inspector mapping.

I can no longer find this option in 2.0.1.
I may be overlooking it.

Can anyone who is using MS 2.0.0 check to see where it was?

Haven't tried with the latest version yet, but on the weekend I did not have Mainstage 2.0.1 and used notes from a foot controller for Tap Tempo, Tuner and Mute. No problem.
Hi Peter,

I can do all those things but what I had before was, for example:
Pedal 1 sends note C4 to MS
Via screen control inspector this pedal is assigned to "MIDI note" then C-1.
Pressing pedal now triggers Ultrabeat pattern.
Either I've forgotten how to do this or the "MIDI note" option has been removed.