Logic Pro 9 audio midi synchronization issue without ext. device


New Member
I get the follow message continuously followed by the distorted and smashed sound :

Error while trying to synchronize Audio and MIDI.

Sample Rate 42758 recognized.
Check conflict between Logic Pro and external device

Funy thing is that i'm not using any external device!
I put the buffer size up to maximum.
I've a 1.83Ghz MacBook , 2 Gb RAM, Im using Logic pro 9.1.2.

Is it possible the problem that im using 24bit and 16bit sample in ulrabeat at the same project?

Please help ! What sould i do?
Hi, I also get the error message quoted above, although the sample rate in the error message seems to vary. The auto sync box is already unchecked and master clock is set to internal. It all seemed to start after I used ultrabeat. Any other ideas? The sound has become utter mush!
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Well in case anyone else is wondering, I fixed the problem by fiddling with the settings in apples audio midi setup window for my hardware (digidesign 003) to digital clock source instead internal. Even although this change was unable to be saved, it seemed to fix the problem! Illogical.
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Good Solution!!! - i suppose 🙄

Go to Preferences -> Midi (tab) -> Sync (sub-tab) -> Midi Sync Project Settings(bottom right corner button) -> Synchronization (tab) -> General (sub-tab) and over there enable "AUTO ENABLE EXTERNAL SYNC" and you're done!

Congrats to you!!! After you finish you might feel like :brkwl:
cuz its soooo simple.... lol! Cheers guys...
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