Logic Pro 9 AUNetSend/Receive automation

melted state

Im wanting to create an arpeggiator in the environment which can send note values to different ports on the AUNetSend/Receive. For example An ACEGB chord would need each note to be sent to a different computer.

I know that I can use the transformer to define which channel notes go to and from there I could asssign each track to a specific channel and in turn a different computer

Sculpture patch
Note A to channel x C to channel x
Channel x to port x Channel x2 to port x2

This could create an impressive ense of motion. Any ideas?
AUNetSend/Receive is an audio network utility, not MIDI.

Im aware of that but logic is pretty versatile, there must be a way to simulate that. I know its possible by putting AUNetSend on auxiliary sends and automating the send percentage to a rhythm:

Aux 1 = AUNS 1
2 = AUNS 2

Channel 1 sends - AUNS 1

Automate send percentages (AUNS 1 ON = AUNS 2 OFF)

Is there a way to send individual midi notes to different computers in the network or to simulate this effect
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I am still not sure if I understand the question.

My current understanding:

  • You have an Arpeggiator in the Environment.
  • The Arpeggiator feeds a Sculpture plugin.
  • The MIDI output of the Arpeggiator should be used to distribute the Sculpture's audio output across several computers, depending on note numbers, velocity, what ever.
  • You want to connect the other computers via AUNetSend
If this is correct, the control mechanism itself would be quite simple, depending on the sounds you produce. But you will run into latency problems because your computers are not synchronized. My knowledge about audio over network is minimal, without appropriate hardware to synchronize multiple computers/interfaces I would just use plain audio over cables.
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I pm'd you on the subject but I might as well allow the question to edify the community

The model has changed somewhat. I now simply want to send specific notes on a sculpture to specific aux sends. I tried assigning a channel to each send and routing note data tothe relevant channel in the transformer but this didnt work
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Sorry, but I do still not understand what you are trying to do. I suspect that we mess up MIDI and audio. You send MIDI note events to Sculpture, but Sculpture produces audio.

You could switch sends or output volumes or whatever, based on the note you send to Sculpture. But I do really not recommend this technique because there are a couple of traps. For example, what if two subsequent (or even overlapping) notes should go to the same output? You would close and open the output in a weird manner and most likely destroy your sound. What happens to chords? And what, if the produced sound is longer than the MIDI note, which is very often the case with Synthesizers?

Much better:

You can organize your notes in the environment and send them to multiple Sculpture instances and herewith reach multiple outputs. This is the most reliable and musically pleasant way. And you get an additional feature: The sculpture instances must not necessarily play the same sound. You could slightly modify the sound or mix very different sounds if you want.
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For example with a row of transformers. Each transformer can send a particular note or a group of notes to one or more Sculpture instances. It just depends on your wishes and how you set the "Conditions" of each transformer and how you combine multiple transformers. Of course you can also process the notes in the "Operations". The possibilities are endless.

The example below sends three defined notes to three Sculpture instances and the Sculptures have different outputs. The editor shows the most simple setting of the first transformer:


Normally you have your patch and the channelstrips on different Environment layers. I've just put them together to show the method.
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Thats awesome thanks! I will have to implement it when I have the spare time, it looks like something that could really open up possibilities! I can imagine whole suites of sculptures with similar patches playing these notes, creating a constantly shifting torrent of notes.
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