As an Avid Editor by profession in broadcast television, I guess I have been spoiled... One of the greatest advances in my field is one that no one thinks about. It's called Auto-Save on the Avid, and it is a user-definable parameter that periodically "saves" your entire project. Mine is set to every seven minutes.
It might sound over-anxious, but a lot can happen in seven minutes time when you are on deadline to make air. To lose those "revisions and changes" you just made can mean pissed off clients and worse, not having a spot to put on-air.
Avid also has something called the "Attic" which periodically takes a snapshot of your entire project and stores it elsewhere (not locally.) In the case of a complete system shut-down, A recent snapshot (within 20 minutes,) can be recalled at any time.
Redundancies like these have actually saved late night sessions for me more times than I can remember.
I was naive to believe that all creative applications had auto-save (or the attic idea,) built in.
It amazed me that in Logic, the best that Apple could do was have a spotty "crash save" snapshot when Logic crashes.
And, let's be serious, this "Crash/Save" fail-safe only works some of the time, depending on the type of crash in the first place.
So, unless you constantly "save" your project, you're flying without a net.
How many times have you lost some really great work because Logic crashed & lost all of your progress?
I'm curious how Pro-Tools handles this. Any PT users out there can tell me if that program is smarter at auto-saving than Logic?
I ask because PT & Avid are the same company. It is of course likely that the audio guys and the video guys never talk...
Any opinions on this? I just can't believe that something so simple in concept has never been implemented to a so-called professional product.
It might sound over-anxious, but a lot can happen in seven minutes time when you are on deadline to make air. To lose those "revisions and changes" you just made can mean pissed off clients and worse, not having a spot to put on-air.
Avid also has something called the "Attic" which periodically takes a snapshot of your entire project and stores it elsewhere (not locally.) In the case of a complete system shut-down, A recent snapshot (within 20 minutes,) can be recalled at any time.
Redundancies like these have actually saved late night sessions for me more times than I can remember.
I was naive to believe that all creative applications had auto-save (or the attic idea,) built in.
It amazed me that in Logic, the best that Apple could do was have a spotty "crash save" snapshot when Logic crashes.
And, let's be serious, this "Crash/Save" fail-safe only works some of the time, depending on the type of crash in the first place.
So, unless you constantly "save" your project, you're flying without a net.
How many times have you lost some really great work because Logic crashed & lost all of your progress?
I'm curious how Pro-Tools handles this. Any PT users out there can tell me if that program is smarter at auto-saving than Logic?
I ask because PT & Avid are the same company. It is of course likely that the audio guys and the video guys never talk...

Any opinions on this? I just can't believe that something so simple in concept has never been implemented to a so-called professional product.