Logic Pro 9 Automation problem!


I have automated a vocal track and now want to increase the volume of that track globally whilst retaining the automation nodes. Each time I increase the fader, the volume reverts back to the automated values. How do I do this?
Pop a gain plug into your channel, and use that for a global gain increase or decrease. There is also a global key command, but I do not know it off the top of my head (I just use the gain plug-in ;-)).
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Pop a gain plug into your channel, and use that for a global gain increase or decrease. There is also a global key command, but I do not know it off the top of my head (I just use the gain plug-in ;-)).

I do it the other way round, I automate the gain of the gain plugin, then use the normal volume fader for overall level of the track.
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Thanks for both replies.
It get's me wondering why Logic has not developed a 'shift-click or shift-drag' way to do this. Surely people need to do this a lot...automate, say a vocal first, then mix, and re-mix, and remix etc.

How would I automate the gain plug-in so that the fader is free to tweak?
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Actually, that does exist. Command click on the automation meter in the track header. Or Option click on the left most node - all nodes downstream are selected and adjust that way.
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Thanks for both replies.
It get's me wondering why Logic has not developed a 'shift-click or shift-drag' way to do this.

As Doug said, there is. But most people I think would prefer to combine volume/gain automation as outlined in the posts above

How would I automate the gain plug-in so that the fader is free to tweak?

The same way you automated the volume, but with gain. You automate the gain parameter of the gain plugin.
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Let's not forget the much underused (or at least under talked about) gain feature in the region parameters. It may or may not be useful in the OP's situation; but is worth remembering. I know I myself never seem to intuitively think of it or reach for it. It hasn't seemed to permeate the deeper layers of my brain or memory yet 😀
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Let's not forget the much underused (or at least under talked about) gain feature in the region parameters. It may or may not be useful in the OP's situation; but is worth remembering. I know I myself never seem to intuitively think of it or reach for it. It hasn't seemed to permeate the deeper layers of my brain or memory yet 😀

A very good point, often all you need is a couple of region gains in order to avoid automation, which, let's face it, is not a bad thing to do.

I (and others) have a wish that regions could display when the gain has been altered, it's so easy to loose track of.
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There's a gain adjustment in the region parameters??!! 😉

I agree with Pete the gain adjustment would be nice if there was some kind of visual feedback on it.

I actually never use it - and it's only for audio regions, although not a problem as that is what the OP is working on. I'm much more comfortable setting automation by region borders and editing that.

FTR, I'm more comfortable modifying the volume envelope with the key modifier techniques that I mentioned rather than using a gain plug-in (although they are great and I do use them for other reasons). But it's all personal, at the end of the day you're judged by the mix, not how you arrived at it..............
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Like Doug I often use the command click drag method, mostly as I am mixing. But I also use the gain plugin too. Mostly when a client comes back after a final mix with a laundry list of adjustments: bring this down 2 db, bring this up 1db, etc . Then I just slap gain plugins in where necessary.

And I hate to say it, but the new clip gain feature in Pro Tools 10 is VERY sweet. It gives not only visual feedback, but also the ability for breakpoint automation. It is very flexible and intuitive with nice keyboard shortcuts, etc.
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