Logic Pro 9 Back with a new problem Real time recording?


When I stop realtime midi recording I get a bunch of copied measures I don't know why and could not find an answer in the manual. here is an image of the problem. How can I correct it. Thanks


  • Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 8.29.04 PM.jpg
    Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 8.29.04 PM.jpg
    22.5 KB · Views: 173
Actually, you need to have the looped region selected to unloop it...

Select the track with the loops (this will select all the loops are regions in the track, UNLESS you are in cycle mode), then uncheck the loop box in the inspector.

If you hit your record button (just don't record any notes while doing this action) and check to see if you didn't check the loops box while you were recording.. if it is checked when in record mode, uncheck it and you should se the behavior stop.

BTW Doug, Hows Seattle now?
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Actually, you need to have the looped region selected to unloop it...

Select the track with the loops (this will select all the loops are regions in the track, UNLESS you are in cycle mode), then uncheck the loop box in the inspector.

This fixes the existing issue of the looped region - I didn't address that.

If you hit your record button (just don't record any notes while doing this action) and check to see if you didn't check the loops box while you were recording.. if it is checked when in record mode, uncheck it and you should se the behavior stop.

I think this is the same as checking the MIDI Thru paramterers.

BTW Doug, Hows Seattle now?

Still grey and rainy, some of the grey undoubtably from smoke......
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