Logic Pro 9 Bouncing


Hi People,
This is my very first post on this forum and I have a few questions I hope you guys can answer. I hope this is the right place.

1- What is the best method to export a midi track as an audio track for use on another DAW in another studio (in this case it's using PT HD)?
2 Same question, but for an audio track.

Should I use the "Bounce" or "Export Track" What is the difference?

Am I being clear enough?:confused:

Thank you
Either bouncing or Exporting the track will both get the job done. There are subtle nuances of differences between them. But they will both work. With Bounce, you can hear the whole thing in real time optionally - which may or may not be what you want. Bouncing is also the better choice if you want the export to include volume automation and send processing.
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Either bouncing or Exporting the track will both get the job done. There are subtle nuances of differences between them. But they will both work. With Bounce, you can hear the whole thing in real time optionally - which may or may not be what you want. Bouncing is also the better choice if you want the export to include volume automation and send processing.

I don't need to hear the whole thing, I just want to have the same audio quality .
If using Export Track as Audio File, should I "normalize" or not?

Should I "add the resulting files to audio bin"?
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In terms of audio quality they should both be identical. Bouncing can be either real time or "off line". Exporting is only off line. If you want the sound to be identical to what you hear then no, you shouldn't normalize.

And as far as adding the newly created files into the Audio Bin, that depends on wether you want to work with them in that same project afterwards or not. The only reasons (that I can think of at the moment) to add them to the Audio Bin would be either because you want to add them in to your arrange window to work with, edit them further in some way, or want to keep the exported files consolidated together in the same audio files folder as the rest of the audio files in the project.
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In terms of audio quality they should both be identical. Bouncing can be either real time or "off line". Exporting is only off line. If you want the sound to be identical to what you hear then no, you shouldn't normalize.

And as far as adding the newly created files into the Audio Bin, that depends on wether you want to work with them in that same project afterwards or not. The only reasons (that I can think of at the moment) to add them to the Audio Bin would be either because you want to add them in to your arrange window to work with, edit them further in some way, or want to keep the exported files consolidated together in the same audio files folder as the rest of the audio files in the project.

Ok, so if I just want the pure raw sound, no effects or automation, I understand it's better to use the export function, right?

Thanks Eli
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Hi Eli,

While I'm at it, how do you convert a project from 48K to 96K?
I set the project settings to 96K, ok.
But the files need to be converted as well, right? How do I do that?

Thanks for your precious help.
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In Logic 9, in the Media Bin, under the "Audio File" pulldown, select "Copy/Convert File(s)..."

You'll find what you need to convert the sample rate there.
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