Bubon (to be read boobon)
Download link: http://afisha.te.ua/music/bubon.zip
Native ukrainian percussive instrument.
Sound files named to explain the sound.
Designed for EXS24, so can be imported to Kontakt/Battery easily.
You can use it freely.
Drop me email if you like the sound: hoorkeet@gmail.com
And enjoy my music if you have a minute: http://afisha.te.ua/hoorkeet
Igor Homyn - DJ Hoorkeet
Download link: http://afisha.te.ua/music/bubon.zip
Native ukrainian percussive instrument.
Sound files named to explain the sound.
Designed for EXS24, so can be imported to Kontakt/Battery easily.
You can use it freely.
Drop me email if you like the sound: hoorkeet@gmail.com
And enjoy my music if you have a minute: http://afisha.te.ua/hoorkeet
Igor Homyn - DJ Hoorkeet