Logic Pro Changing normal drum VI track to drummer?


I'm sure there's no trick to this other than what I've already done. Let's say I start a new song and am using the Drummer VI (or any other VI) and am programming away but then decide I'd like to make it a "Drummer" track after the fact. The way I do it now is to save the current drum sound, assuming I like it, and then make a new Drummer track. I then go into my saved patches and choose the last drum set I just saved. That way I haven't lost anything. I then put the midi track I have already worked on on the overheads channel, assuming I'm working with a producer kit. I was hoping there was an easy way to just change the track type and have it magically change to a Drummer track instead of doing all this. I realize I can start out with said drummer track and be good to go too🙂

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That would be quite a nice feature if it ever becomes available.

It's not the same but it sounds like what you're asking for is along the lines of starting out with a stereo version of a software instrument, then deciding you want a multi-output version. It's a simple matter of choosing the m.o. version in the pop-up.

Looks like what you've outlined is the procedure.
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I think what I need to do is to just start out with the drummer track loaded, even though I'm "finger drumming". If it's a producer kit I can record midi on the overhead channel and then segue or embellish with the "drummer" track. The problem is, I haven't programmed my brain to do this automatically and usually start drums using a normal instrument track instead🙂

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The whole thing that makes the Drummer track special is using it's automatically generated regions that exist in that no man's land between audio and MIDI. These proprietary region types respond to the Drummer editor controls. The moment you introduce a regular vanilla MIDI region onto a Drummer track, you're basically just using Drum Kit Designer.

So maybe in your case, since you naturally want to start with program your own drums, the best thing might be to just start with a nice multi output version of Drum Kit Designer on a regular software instrument track and forget about Drummer. Because, really the only way to take advantage of Drummer's artificial programming intelligence, is if you start with it's own automatically generated regions as the basis or starting point to build your part up from.

What can be interesting IMHO is starting with Drummer generated regions; tweak their parameters to get it's magic fairy dust overlaid on the groove; and then drag them to an instrument track to continue editing them as MIDI, maybe to make a specific punch happen - or something like that.

I've had nice results form cutting Drummer generated regions into smaller bits, and continually trying the "refresh region" command to regenerate the variations until I get something I like. And then dragging it to a MIDI track to edit it as necessary. Combine that with the ghost note volume controls, the fill knob, and the complexity sliders, and now you're talking 😀
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The problem is, I haven't programmed my brain to do this automatically ...🙂

These days, that my general explanation of adapting to change.😀
But seriously, it took me a few months to fully appreciate of all the the new functions in L9 when upgrading from L8.

I think the magnitude of change and improvement is even greater with LPX.

Not being a drummer, I aim to error on the side of simplicity by using Apple Loops and purchased MIDI drum SMF as a starting point, then embellishing as needed.

The AI provided by Drummer is truly remarkable, but it's gonna need to expand in scope to cover more styles and genres.
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