Logic Pro 9 Clean installing a Logic 9 upgrade


My 2004 G5 (with my trusty Logic Pro 7.1.1) just died, so I see myself getting a Mac Pro and Logic 9 in the near future.

My question is, if I buy the 'upgrade to Logic 9 from the Big Box', will I be able to clean install Logic 9 on the new computer?
Yes, a clean install is possible. All that is required is to have your XSKey at hand, the L 9 upgrade installer will ask for this as proof of your entitlement to upgrade.

kind regards

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Yes, a clean install is possible. All that is required is to have your XSKey at hand, the L 9 upgrade installer will ask for this as proof of your entitlement to upgrade.

kind regards


BTW, If you dont have your XS key to hand you can use the Logic 7 serial number.
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Back up your old sample instruments, some have been changed or renamed in Logic9.

Also if you have any custom instrument or effects presets.

Some of the software instrument presets are different also.

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