Logic Pro 8 control surface


New Member
Hi gang. I use Logic pro 8 with a RME Fireface 800. I'd like to get a control surface that will control the faders in logic. I don't need other controls like transport buttons, jog wheels and all that.

I don't want to spend the bread on the Euphonics things now. What off-the-rack mixers can I get 2nd hand would do the job? Yamaha 02r? Allen & Heath something-or-other? Anything that just controls faders would be cool.

Any ideas folks?

I got my Yamaha 01x for £400 on eBay. It'll do what you want *and* has transport, jog wheel, etc.

If you want something really cheap, a single fader gizmo like a Presonus Faderport or and Alphatrack are both good at what they do.
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Thanks for the reply. Right, an 02r can be expensive when bought new. As Mr. Wilson has indicated, there are quite a few second-hand 02r and 01x desks floating around. Besides, I require at least 8 faders.
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Hi AJ,

I was thinking the same thing before I bought my MCU four years ago. The jog wheel has become one of my favorite controls on it. Like superman, it's great for leaping long distances in a single bound! 😀
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Yep, the jog wheel on my 01x is used constantly.
In fact, I was just editing a project using my M-Audio Ozone as MIDI i/f and I really missed the transport controls on the 01x
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