Logic Pro Controller for shortcuts.


Logic version
Mac OS
Hi friends
After 30-ish years of Logic(and Pro Tools) use, and tons of shortcuts seared into muscle memory, and frustratingly using the wrong one with the wrong ware (especially R for zoom out in PT but it ends upo recording in Logic… ever happened to you?) anyway.
What do you guys recommend as a hardware controller to set up shortcut macros?
For example Logic zoom out is Command + arrow Left. You either have to take your hand off the mouse to hit the arrow, or you have to do a funky move with your left hand to press both keys on the right side of the keyboard every time. (While in PT it’s juts R or T, so just one finger is all you need).
I’ve seen the Stream Deck as a possible solution, but I figured I’d ask if others had some tips.
As always,
Thank you.