Logic Pro 9 creating a ESX24 instrument


I have a vintage crumar string synth, and suzuki omnichord that I would like to turn both into ESX24 instruments.

Neither of these have midi.

Can anyone recommend a good tutorial on how to do this? Any suggestions?
Wow, it would have to be totally manual.

I would record notes in intervals or 3rds, fifths, or octaves, depending how complex you want the instrument to be.

With Logic or the audio editor of your choice.

If the synths are velocity sensitive capture different velocities.

You will have to figure out the duration of the notes that you need.

Loop them, name them, then map them in the EXS editor.

Do a Google search there are a lot of tutorials out there.

Motu has an app called Volta that allows you to MIDI control voltage instruments.

If that will work for you there are a few apps that can automate the sampling process and create EXS instruments.

I used Redmatica's Autosampler to capture custom sound banks from my midi hardware.

If volta will work You could create a midi sequence that has the desired notes, and durations.

Have fun!!

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Ok thanks for the advice.

These synths dont have voltage control, so i dont really have that option.

No velocity sensitive.

Ill check out some tutorials on google, but figured I would check if there is a specific one that is good.

I am excited for Logic 10 that will map my Roland Hardware Midi synths on my JV2080 using Redmatica tools.
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Very cool that Logic includes this feature, especially now that Redmatica is RIP and no one knows for sure what Apple plans to do with the Redmatica technology.
Most likely, they will incorporate it, one way or another, in a future Logic version...
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