Logic Pro 9 Crossed solo button


Hello mates,

What's the deal with this crossed solo buttons on the channel strip? Every once in a while a channel will be created with this strange red cross over the "s" button that makes that channel "un-soloable" (that's a strange looking word). How do I make these weird solo buttons become good ol' solo buttons?

What you are referring to is solo safe. This is used to protect channel strips from having their signal muted when another channel strip is solo'ed. It can be toggled by control clicking on the solo button of the channel strip concerned. I have experienced channel strips apparently solo protect themselves for some reason which I haven't been able to figure out.

kind regards

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Yeah, Ive seen this behaviour since Logic 6.
I even reset my whole 'audio enviroment' thinking I brought over a bug from 5.5, but for me object 12 (audio object 12) will always solo safe. even after i ctrl click it to unsafe it, after a few edits it'll go back to solo safe.
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I've just been encountering it over the last few days in Logic 9 on a new project that was started from an "empty project" - no environment, no nothing!
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I already filled out this form. What is amazing is that Logic 9 isn't on the list of Logic versions! I found that hilarious (and depressing)
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Rafa, it stands for Knowledge Base, Apple's collection of support documents.

Had this issue today in Logic 9.1.5, hopefully Logic X will make it more predictable/work as expected.
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Another Solo Safe Problem...

Several self-solo-safe tracks appeared in my latest piece, so I searched the Forum and found your replies. Only problem is, when I Control-click the slashed Solo button, it doesn't toggle to normal solo mode, I get this:


Any suggestions?
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OK never mind, Control-clicking the Solo button only works in the Environment page, not in the lower left of the Arrange page. I'm going to leave my question and solution up though, in case someone else finds themselves scratching their heads over the same misunderstanding!
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