Logic Pro 9 Delay Designer


New Member
I am trying to use Delay Designer's 'Infinite Repeat' to loop audio and midi inputs.
It works great until i try to record; when I stop playing nothing records, on both audio and midi tracks. The output of the delay designer doesn't record which is incredibly unfortunate as it doubles as a versatile loop machine.
Does anyone have any idea how I could get Logic to keep recording the delay after i stop playing?
I'm not great with logic and don't know how to do anything fancy but any ideas/solutions will be appreciated greatly.

So to summarise my question; how do I record the output of delay designer, that is, after I stop playing, when it's set to 'infinite repeat'.?
me too, me too

I have the same question. I have looked all over and can't find anything about having the effects from delay designer show up in a recording. I have the same infinite repeat set up using the preset in the simple section. I start recording and the effect works really well. When I listen back to it, only the actual notes that I play are recorded. The space designer effects are there but not the delays. I tried bouncing it but that doesn't help. Anyone out there know the answer to this question?
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I wonder if Per could explain why this routing maneuver is necessary? Why is it not possible to simply place the plugin in the audio channel strip and hit "record"?
Because when you hit Record Logic records incoming audio at an audio input (or incoming MIDI at a MIDI In port, if a MIDI track). The action we are discussing here is different: We want to record the output from an audio plugin, the Delay Designer. To do that we must first make the plugin output a global audio track input audio stream.

This is why we need to
- route the track hosting the plugin to a bus (or send to the bus by the track send knob)
- set up an audio track with that particular bus as its input
- record to that audio track.
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There is another way to do it also, but it's just as fiddly. It requires going into the Environment, which is a terrifying, scary place that makes most Logic users scream and run for GarageBand. 😉

Per is exactly right about the concept. Logic just records the audio coming in at the audio input. The Environment, if you've ever played around in it, lets you make software equivalents to hardware processes and processors. So in the Environment-and only in the Environment-you can create an entirely different kind of audio object not available in the Arrange or the Mixer, called an Input object. This object looks like a channel strip, but it represents the physical hardware inputs of your audio interface, not virtual tracks. This means that Input objects comes before Logic records, not after (it is the strip that Logic takes its live input from, hence the name). Since Input objects represent physical hardware inputs of your audio interface, you can create one Input object for every input on your hardware device.

So you can go into the Environment, create an Input object for a particular hardware input (or inputs, if stereo), place the Delay Designer on it, and when you hit record, the audio that you record through those hardware inputs on your audio interface will be recorded along with the effect.

Note that at this point, unless you delete the Input object or remove the effect, absolutely everything that you record using those physical audio inputs will have Delay Designer on it.

Per's method lets you do it all in the Mixer, and doesn't require you to "permanently" attach a Delay Designer to your audio input. And of course doesn't require using the Environment.

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I wonder if Per could explain why this routing maneuver is necessary? Why is it not possible to simply place the plugin in the audio channel strip and hit "record"?
Because when you hit Record Logic records incoming audio at an audio input (or incoming MIDI at a MIDI In port, if a MIDI track). The action we are discussing here is different: We want to record the output from an audio plugin, the Delay Designer. To do that we must first make the plugin output a global audio track input audio stream.

This is why we need to
- route the track hosting the plugin to a bus (or send to the bus by the track send knob)
- set up an audio track with that particular bus as its input
- record to that audio track.
Could instantiating the Delay Designer on the Aux channelstrip (instead of the virtual isntrument channelstrip) will have the same effect?
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