Due to much "Bounce In Place" stuff, my mixer window ends up getting filled with channel strips that are no longer processing any audio, but they still have lots of plugin instances.
There is an option to view only the channel strips relating to those present in the arrange window. That makes visuals easier, but I don't want to burden the CPU by having lots of plugins (especially those with delay compensation, or ones that introduce audio without needing any arrange region!).
Is the only way to get rid of these unwanted channel strips to select them manually and delete them?
There is an option to view only the channel strips relating to those present in the arrange window. That makes visuals easier, but I don't want to burden the CPU by having lots of plugins (especially those with delay compensation, or ones that introduce audio without needing any arrange region!).
Is the only way to get rid of these unwanted channel strips to select them manually and delete them?