New to forums-sorry-my G4 OS 9 crashed, I recovered files including Logic-now. Logic Platinum Audio 4.6 will run but does not recognize my PCI-324 Asio driver in audio preferences. error message- no asio driver -but it's there in the Asio driver folder- I use Motu 1224 audio interface-and reloaded the software & configured the ASIO driver. When I click on the driver, the error message says it can't find Logic audio 4.0-sub message says it can't find the appropriate translation- so I rebuilt the desktop. I'm thinking the problem is with Logic itself. I cannot complete installation of Logic Audio 4.0 from my install CD, as I have no floppy drive, and Emagic no longer exists, so I cannot get the floppy disk image from their site that is needed to complete the installation of Logic. I'm not sure if this will solve the problem- that Logic doesn't see the driver. I'm also not sure that I have the appropriate floppy. I would love to just reload Logic again and see if that's the problem. Does anyone know how I can get the floppy authorization image? I have spent hours, and hours researching, experimenting to no avail. Suicide is becoming an option. Thanks!!!!