Logic Pro 9 "Disconnect selected split stereo files"


New Member
I want 2 mono files from an interleaved stereo file.

I've already converted Interleaved file to Split file.

When highlighting the L or R .aif files,Edit >"Disconnect selected split stereo files" does NOT come up as an option.

I've seen this question asked on 2 different forums with no answers forthcoming.

I use Logic Express 9.

It must be a 'Logic pro can' 'Logic Express can't' thing then,because i highlighted both .aif files and still no "Disconnect selected split stereo files".

Although it says you CAN in the Logic Express 9 help menu.

Why am i wanting this ? :

I had transferred tracks from an old Fostex digital 8 track to my old Sony DAT (stereo) machine ie trk1 Left,trk2 Right,trk3 Left etc.

When digitally importing them into Logic Express they would only record as interleaved stereo files.

I finally just panned the imported stereo tracks ie pan left for trk 1 and bounce to mono,which i imagine took twice as long as just TRULY splitting the stereo files.
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