I'm new to Logic (using version 8).
Something rather odd happened today.
I dragged a long loop into the Arrange page and used that as the basis for multiple vocal overdubs.
When the piece is played back from the beginning all is well.
However if playback is started from further into the song the vocals aren't in sync with the loop.
I presume this is something to do with the tempo track.
The original loop had no tempo indication. The song has an unassigned tempo of 95 b.p.m.
If the underlying tempo map can be disengaged would the song play in sync from anywhere?
In Cubase you can toggle the time base between "Musical" and "Linear".
In Linear mode changing the tempo of a song has no effect on the relative positions of the audio in a song.
Is there a way to do this in Logic?
Thanks in advance for help,
I'm new to Logic (using version 8).
Something rather odd happened today.
I dragged a long loop into the Arrange page and used that as the basis for multiple vocal overdubs.
When the piece is played back from the beginning all is well.
However if playback is started from further into the song the vocals aren't in sync with the loop.
I presume this is something to do with the tempo track.
The original loop had no tempo indication. The song has an unassigned tempo of 95 b.p.m.
If the underlying tempo map can be disengaged would the song play in sync from anywhere?
In Cubase you can toggle the time base between "Musical" and "Linear".
In Linear mode changing the tempo of a song has no effect on the relative positions of the audio in a song.
Is there a way to do this in Logic?
Thanks in advance for help,