Logic Pro 9 Dropped notes MIDI Notes using MOTU MTPAV'S

Hi all,

I am having problems recording MIDI with MTPAV & Logic Pro 8

My system specs are:
System: G5 2.5GHz, 16GB Ram OS: Tiger 10.4.11
3 MTPAV's 12 Rack-mount synths
Rosetta 800, Big Ben DIGI 002R, Central station

Anyone know why I am getting delays, dropped notes & latency when attempting to record MIDI using external synths ? Recording Software synths seems to work fine. I am just having no luck recording external MIDI. I can play patches from any of the synths without recording but the minute I press record notes/chords get dropped randomly and the system seems to hiccup and lag so what's recorded is useless. I've tried adjusting the audio device I/O buffers (32-128), using low latency mode, temporarily disabling the DAE Engine, turning off MIDI SYNC Clock, MTC, MMC etc.

On a more positive note I recently had success when plugging the S90 controller into the DIGI-002R the MIDI Recording works fine as it should. Also tried recording MIDI using the same 3 MTPAV's as I have for years in Digital Performer 4.6 & Pro Tools 7.4LE and had no problems recording MIDI on any of the rack-mount synths connected to any of the MTPAV's

I am new to Logic so it could very be I have a complicated setup for The Logic world that requires a little more "setup knowledge" than I have. I am told that perhaps creating "Multi-instrument" objects in the environment would help. I think these were created for me somehow pulling the info from theAMS (Audio MIDI Setup) Limiting each rack-mount synth to a specific channel, but I've never had to limit my MIDI setup to 1 channel per synth in any other sequencer before. All MIDI synths allow for 16 channels in "Multi-timbral" mode so why would I have to reduce the number to possible channels I can record per MIDI device from 16 to 1? Doesn't make sense to me. I know that Logic merges all Incoming MIDI Inputs. Is that why? Also I've heard that Logic & The MTPAV are notorious for not playing well together. Not sure why but that's what I heard. I've called Apple Tech Support on this & they weren't able to help. Also called MOTU and they said there aren't aware of any special configurations needed for the MTPAV to work with Logic but they would try and recreate a scaled down version of my set up and recreate the problem to help with a solution but that a while ago.

Are people able to use MTPAV's or are they all using the old Unitors?

I've never heard of latency effecting MIDI recordings? Can anyone suggest anything? I've been struggling with this problem for over 3 weeks!!
Thanks George but I tried switching all of the MIDI & USB cables and that didn't fix it. Also the MIDI works fine with DP & Pro tools with the same config/HW and cables. So that's not the problem.
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I tried recording in DP 4.6 & Pro Tools LE 7.4 to all 13 external MIDI devices to be sure the problem is not global. I was able to recording MIDI songs with all 13 external devices via MIDI in both DP & PT
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What version of logic specifically 8.?

Plus I got to be honest: Logic 8 was the worst POS version of Logic ever made, especially the first couple of versions. Plus I gotta ask: legit version of Logic?
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I since discovered your post over at Logic Pro Help, Peters site. 8.0.2 it is.

Just had a hunch: you might somehow be creating a midi loop with the MTP AV.

Is there a way you can tell the MTPAV's to not pass midi through? Since the Digi drivers work fine when recording through the Digi 02r, the drivers or setup with the MTP have to be the issue, not Logic.

I remember from using the MTP that there was a setup app that allowed one to setup the way the ports were configured. Try that.

Anyways, good luck... I can't think of any other ideas for you to try, so I'm done for now.
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I was afraid of that. Yes it's Logic 8 and its completely legal. I still have the huge box and set of manuals. I've had it for a while but never used it because I thought it was too complicated to use. I recently downloaded 8.02 but not sure it actually upgraded things. i also purchased Logic Pro 9 for my laptop but never tried hooking up the 3 MTPAV's to it as a test. If it did work it would only mean I would have to upgrade my desktop G5 to a MacPro which I don't want to do. At this point I'd rather try 3 Unitor's MkII's but I want to be sure the Unitor's will work with Pro Tools, DP & Logic Pro.
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Yes Clockworks is the name of the MOTU app. I'll take a look and see if I can turn off the MIDI Thru. The MIDI Loop may be the issue. If my S90 is not in Local mode can that create a MIDI loop also?
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Clockworks didn't have anything I saw on the MIDI pass through however I did notice that I had the 3 MTPAV's connected to a USB Hub which even though that did not effect the MIDI recording for other sequencers (DP & Pro Tools worked fine) I removed the USB Hub and connected the 3 MTPAV's directly to the G5 Quad 2.5GHz. However this had zero effect on MIDI problem I was having. However when I connected the 3 MTPAV's directly to my MacBook Pro and recorded MIDI to all 13 synths's with Logic Pro 9.1.8 everything worked flawlessly. To me this clearly says there's a problem with Logic Pro 8.02 & the G5 Quad 2.5GHz not the MTPAV's. Any thoughts. I don't want to have to by another computer just to record external MIDI !
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