Logic Pro 9 English/German Editions


New Member
Hello All,

I just bought Logic Express 9 from the music website MusicThomann, who i use fairly regularly as they are a bit cheaper than most others and very efficient. Though due to possible lack of sleep or just idiocy i ordered the German Edition and not the English Edition. The box is in German and the Manual is in German,

On apple's website it states

Language Support

All applications in Logic Express support English, French, German, and Japanese. Final Cut Pro also supports Simplified Chinese. Soundtrack Pro and Compressor also support Simplified Chinese and Spanish.

which would seem to suggest i can choose to install it in English. but i wanted to check.

It would be great if i could, would save me sending it back to Germany (Thus nullifying the money i saved), and friends have the english manual so that's not an issue.

Just don't want to do it, install a german edition, and then not be able to send it back/have the hassle of uninstalling it from my macbook.

Any help much appreciated.
