Logic Pro 8 Export Audio to Movie?

I also have been successfully exporting audio to video in L8 for quite some time. That said, I have occasionally noticed that certain video files misbehave for this function, (although I notice it more often in Pro Tools than Logic) and nothing can convince them to accept 'digital restriping' under any circumstances. Maybe you have such a video file..?
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It generally works for me, but occasionally it doesn't. It's worth trying the following, if you haven't already:

- "select all" regions on the arrange page before exporting
- set locators for the section of the movie and audio that you want to export to
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Thanks for the info, I'll try.

Is there a way to get it to make a new shorter movie (length of selection), rather than needing to truncate in QT first?
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Hi DeePee,

I'm not in front of my computer to try this out, but I think if you combine both of the methods I outlined in my previous mail, this will limit the exported movie length to the selection of the selected regions and locators.
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