Logic Pro 9 Exporting Ch Strip



I sent a bass.aif file (via DropBox) to a friend who also uses LogicStudio 9. He got the bass O.K. but it didn't have hardly any volume. (cause there weren't the effects I used to give it the sound). So, I copied my Channel Strip Settings and sent them to him (via DropBox) but there is NO LOAD "Channel Strip Settings" in the choices. So, he only gets to hear my bass without any effects. I also tried to copy the CH. Strip Settings into a new songs but "Paste" was ghosted out. Does anyone know how I can do such a simple task? really appreciate it...please
Easiest way, bounce the bass track with effects

Or, tell him to put the channel strip setting in ~library/application support/logic/channel strip settings/ audio
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Great thanks

a very simple method...worked great. Although at first, when I opened Logic. I started a new song...It had a strange effect. (No channel strip selected) but the guitar was responding like really late. I quit the project and re-started and that seemed to do the trick...I'll have to try it a few more times to perfect it. But, My Guitar Solo (Goof Delay) is in the pull-down menu now. Cool!


  • Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.40.34 PM.png
    Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.40.34 PM.png
    50.6 KB · Views: 187
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A little OT though, but it does sound to me that you might have recorded the bass track a little low in volume. Even without any FX the track shouldn't be this quiet. So maybe try to give it a little more gain when you record. Where does your track peak (db)? You don't (shouldn't) go all the way up to 0db, but a healthy level with a well visible waveform should give you a decent track, so you won't run into the problem again that your friend can hardly hear the track.
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Yeah, thanks, this is the answer to the problem that I was looking for. Pretty damn easy to do. I wonder why it isn't written in the manual. Thanks, no sweat after following your instructions. cheers
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