I am playing the EXS24 "Session Bass" patch. I have a string of eighth notes over a series of measures. I have all notes playing the same velocity (80) and they are short enough that there is a good deal of space between them. Yet when I listen to the midi track every fourth note sounds louder than the others. Not surprisingly, this is also true when I bounce the track: the first three notes read -13 on the channel strip, the fourth note reads -9.1. (I've attached a screen shot of the waveform.) I have no plug-ins inserted on either the EXS24 channel strip nor on the audio channel strip. I want to create a very even sounding "thump" and this isn't helping.
Logic Pro 9.x, SL 6.2, iMac quad-core i7
Logic Pro 9.x, SL 6.2, iMac quad-core i7