Logic Pro 9 External MID Devices Patch name Environments


I am looking for the legacy environments that have been floating around pertaining to external MIDI devices and patch banks, names, etc. - I am trying to get patch names for my JV and other external midi gear into logic - to make my transition from DP smoother. -
I did download some files like this that I found online but when i tried to open them in L9 - I got an error saying that the files were not compatible - I assume maybe they were from an earlier version.

From my recollection, I did locate the legacy files but they didn't work.
I ended up using 'Cherry Picker" / and the midnam files from my DP files.
Good old fashioned copy/paste and I entered all the bank changes manually -
Everything worked well - but I must say Digital Performer has it all over Logic on this - I wish they would trash the environment mentality and implement some real external MIDI patch management and support midev and midnam like everyone else.

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