Logic Pro 9 Faders in mix window moving erratically by themselves!!!!!!


running logic 9...worked fine for a couple mths....then noticed when i select a fader....in the mix window...it would move up and down by itself somthimes...

to get pass this i would simply create a empty Chanel that im not using..select it
and watch it move up and down....while i carry on with the mix...

now it seems dont matter which fader i select all most all of them..are moving erratically.....

Please help..thx😡
1. Track based automation?
Maybe you have some automation in the tracks. Are your automation modes probably set to "Latch"? Then you would write automation while you move a fader. After a move the fader would stay where it is but when you play the song from start, the fader would jump back to its old position and follow the automation. Make the automation visible to check your tracks: the default KeyCommand is A. Be sure that your tracks are displayed high enough. And there are several menu options to remove track automation you don't want. If this was the problem, set the automation mode in every channel to "Read". Then Logic does not write but only read the track automation.

2. Region based automation?
If you record MIDIfor software instrument by a controller, it can happen that the controller sends CC#7 which would get recorded into the region and move the volume fader. In this case you use either Hyperdraw or the event list to delete unwanted automation.

3. External controller?
You may have a hardware controller or a software connected to Logic that sends volume information (CC#7) to the currently selected track. This would move the fader.
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Mr. Ostry i cant thank you enough for your speedy reply...

Indeed the issue was not about Track based automation....

it was about Volume information being written in the midi Region
In the events folder under note events i noticed in the "status" column there were some events marked "Control" which i never intended for....
I simply deleted them and the problem was solved...no more jumpin fader...yay!!!

Later i explored the hyper editor and realized that it was easier to do the same thing by selecting all the "Volume Placements" and deleting them...yay!!!
i still have no idea what caused these "Volume Placements" in the first place....
and since then..
i have run into another prob...where i created an "Aux Track" with no midi in it...only other tracks in the mix 'Bussed" to it....
and the same problem is back...jumpin fader....Blah!!!

i will say though...in the transport bar...the Midi out display keeps flashing "1 c-2 off"....????

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i have run into another prob...where i created an "Aux Track" with no midi in it...only other tracks in the mix 'Bussed" to it....
and the same problem is back...jumpin fader....
Sounds like MIDI coming from the outside,
especially with your other information:
iin the transport bar...the Midi out display keeps flashing "1 c-2 off"
The note C-2 is usually sent by hardware controllers running the HUI protocol. It is their "active sense", a kind of I-am-alive message. But before we deal with that please install MidiMonitor to see what else is going on in your MIDI world. You can post a couple of lines of the MidiMonitor output here. Before you do that go to its preferences and switch the output to "Decimal number":

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let me apologize for not stating in the first place...that im running 2 Midi Controllers...
1) a M-Audio Keyrig 49
2) a Pre Sonus Faderport control center

i installed the Midi Monitor.....
it seemed to confirm my suspicion...
about every 5 sec would get a message "From Keyrig 49 Control 7 7 and some random #

So i decided i would go in Logic/Preferences/Control Surfaces/and Bypass all control surfaces....
Strangely this knocks out the faderport but leaves the keyrig functioning....and the jumping fader problem persist........but i dont see the "1 c-2 off" massage flashing anymore...i see "no Midi"

So i reverse it...
i switch off the Keyrig 49 re enable the bypass... allow the faderport to function and it seems like problems are over....no more jumping fader....yay!!!
im now back to seeing the 1 c-2 off message flashing....???
and not to mention my keyrig midi controller is still off....lol!!!

Does this mean that my keyrig 49 is malfunctioning????
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im running 2 Midi Controllers...
1) a M-Audio Keyrig 49
2) a Pre Sonus Faderport control center
The Faderport does not send CC#7 but sends this note.
So your findings are right, the volume message CC#7 comes from the Keyrig and the note C-2 comes from the Faderport.

The Faderport is no problem. Open an environment window, go to the layer "Click & Ports", find the "Physical Input" object far left and cable the port of the Faderport (the little triangle beside the name) to a monitor object or something else. Any dummy object will do. You can do this for all ports you don't use in Logic:

The miracle behind this trick is, that messages from ports, which are cabled to something, do no longer go to the SUM output of the physical input. From now on the C-2 notes from the Faderport vanish in digital Nirvana.

Does this mean that my keyrig 49 is malfunctioning????
Something is wrong with it. If the CC#7 message comes regularly, the Keyrig could be misconfigured. Try a factory reset if you can.

If the CC#7 comes randomly, there might be a bad volume pedal connected that moves on its own or from floor vibrations. Or it is in a position "between" two values and sends one of them here and then. Or it is a fader if the device has faders. Any control element that sends CC#7 can be the source of the problem. Best is you try all of them and read their output in MidiMonitor.
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ok...i went to the layer "Click & Ports" and cabled the faderport to the monitor "thing" that i had to create....
but i continue to see the 1 c-2 off note flashing and in the midi monitor....even if i restart logic...????

the SUM output of the physical input is going to a "input notes" keyboard.....
out of the keyboard is going to a "input view"...which is going to the Sequencer...

as for the keyrig 49....i see no reset button on it...and i have no idea how to do that....???
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You might find a users guide at the keyrig 49's web site. I use an M-Audio keystation 49e and it can be configured to revert to factory settings, so if your keyrig 49 is made by M-Audio go to their site and search for a downloadable users manual. i am not in my studio now but am following this thread and wil see if your "rig" is the same as mine-there I can look in the users manual and post the result.
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ok...i went to the layer "Click & Ports" and cabled the faderport to the monitor "thing" that i had to create....
but i continue to see the 1 c-2 off note flashing and in the midi monitor....even if i restart logic...????
Yes you see it because it still comes in. The note is part of the HUI protocol and therefore part of the communication process between the Faderport and Logic. Actually I don't know if the Faderport bundle in Logic still uses HUI, maybe not. But the device sends it anyway.

Since you may want to play a C-2 sometimes or need it for a plugin, we did not filter the note generally but simply piped all Faderport messages to nowhere because we do not need them in the sequencer. You can do this with all ports which send messages you do not need.

For this kind of things, remember the MIDI path in Logic:

  1. A MIDI message comes in. Because it has good manners, it comes through the front door.
  2. If the message is assigned to something by Controller Assignments or by Quick Automation Access, it is taken out of the stream and you don't see it in the environment.
  3. If the message passes the assignments, it reaches the environment. There you can process it as you like: Cable it to the sequencer or channelstrip, do some operations on it with environment objects, send it to external devices or programs, or throw it away if it doesn't smell good.
  4. If you cable the incoming messages to the sequencer - what you usually do - they reach the currently selected track, play software instruments and get recorded.

as for the keyrig 49....i see no reset button on it
Consult the manual and/or the software editor if there is one for this device.

But have you found the source of the CC#7 messages? Does it come in a regular pattern or randomly? Didn't you find a fader, knob or pedal that is responsible for CC#7 messages? If it is something like that, your next post will be "resettet the keyrig but continue to see CC7". We have enough space her for posts and love to talk to you. But the message of the day would be something like "Got it! The volume pedal was crap, I got a better one and it works!" - or similar :thmbup:
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