I thought the purpose of the new rip-off piano-roll from the drawer was to make a piano-roll that could float on top always and possible to line up at the channel-strip with it's useful content and skip the track-header that steals territory, but this was not the case. When I use the parameters in the channel-strip with a floating piano-roll, it will disappear like the normal one from the menu. (Actually I haven't been able to figure out the purpose of that new window). To have the channel-strip with it's parameters lined up at the piano-roll would make sense to me though, very useful so I wish for that.
..Or is it possible to make the piano-roll always stay and float on top?
I managed to get the menu piano-roll to show the content of one track and the drawer piano-roll to show content of another simultaneously (2 piano-rolls) and edit and make us of 2 kinds of piano-rolls, but that was not so easy and hardly the intention of the programmer.
..Or is it possible to make the piano-roll always stay and float on top?
I managed to get the menu piano-roll to show the content of one track and the drawer piano-roll to show content of another simultaneously (2 piano-rolls) and edit and make us of 2 kinds of piano-rolls, but that was not so easy and hardly the intention of the programmer.