Logic Pro 9 GarageBand sounds ??

Erin Mason

Greetings Everyone !!

I did do a search on this, but being an old guy who's new to Logic and NOT all that great with a computer I thought I'd start my own thread and not hi-jack an older one/ones.

Like many people I think .. I first fooled with GarageBand. I saw it as fun and easy to use but quickly saw short comings with it. No midi out was a big one. I have a lot of toys...

I had a bunch of projects from GB that I dragged into Logic Pro. Everything seemed to have and play all the instruments.So I take the effects also went along. I have GarageBand 11' version 6.0.4

Now when I start new tunes in Logic Pro many of the instruments ( which I liked !! ) are NOT there or sound different.

An example would be "Dub Horns" . In GB it sounds just like the name. A horn section loaded with effects .. ( great for mi love Reggae ) but in Logic Pro it's dull and no fun.

Also many , I mean many!! Now can't be found . I installed Logic Pro myself (which may have not been a good idea) and did as instructed. I set the preferences as I understood things. I know midi mainly.

I sure could use some help and hope someone steps up and does a Guru thing with me. I know little about Logic and I'm OLD .... haha So you'll need to be kind ... but I will catch on and learn from you.

Hello Erin,

I don't have a specific answer to your question. Not having used GB, I'm not sure if the instruments change with each major revision of iLife. There is no Dub Horns instrument on my system.

You can try to reinstall Garage Band.

Have you explored the ranges of instruments that come with Logic?

There are two ways to load instruments:
1. Click on the Settings pop up at the top of the channel strip. This will serve up ready to use instruments with effects.

2. Insert instruments in the I/O pop-up just above the volume fader in the channel strip. Once loaded, there are plenty of presets to choose from, but you'll have to add whatever effects you want to use.


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CSeye ,

Thanks for a reply ! I'm not saying you're wrong on reinstalling Garage Band. And I did come here to learn from others that know a heap more than me. But I'm hesitant to do that because all seems right there. Still have the sounds ... can still do a tune .

I admit I haven't explored all the Logic instruments yet. I'll play around with those today and see what else is there. And thanks for reminding me I'll need to add any effects I want.

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If all is right, then certainly leave it alone.

The suggestion to consider reinstalling GB was made due to your comment about many, many instruments not being found etc.

I'm sure that you'll find many new favorites among the Logic instruments now on your system.
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CSeye ,

I'm finding some Logic sounds I like , but I'd still like to have all the GB sounds at hand to use in Logic too. Like a painter ( but in this case I can't mix colors ) I'd like to have as many hues for my projects to choose from as I can. Especially when the GB sounds should be available if I can just learn WHY they're not.

I still hope others will shout on this too . It'd great to learn what's up.

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When you load an instrument in GB you actually load a channel strip with effects applied.

To get the same effect use the Garage band, and Jampack, channel strip presets.

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Thanks gdoubleyou ,

Because I'm still not getting/finding all my GB instruments when I'm using Logic Pro so I've decided to build up my tunes in GB using any instruments I like there. Then drop the project into Logic Pro for guitar parts , vocals , or anything else I feel will work better in there.

When I do it this way all the GB instruments I've used in GB follow into Logic Pro. Not the way I wanted to do things but a work around I can live with.

Thank both you guys for trying to help me out.

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Thanks gdoubleyou ,

Because I'm still not getting/finding all my GB instruments when I'm using Logic Pro so I've decided to build up my tunes in GB using any instruments I like there. Then drop the project into Logic Pro for guitar parts , vocals , or anything else I feel will work better in there.

When I do it this way all the GB instruments I've used in GB follow into Logic Pro. Not the way I wanted to do things but a work around I can live with.

Thank both you guys for trying to help me out.


You can certainly work that way, but it would be more streamlined to get acquainted with the larger palette sounds in Logic, building your tunes with those instruments without having to slog stuff from GB into L9.

I'm just saying'...
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CSeye ,

I understand what you're saying. And I'm playing with the sound palette in L9 .Learning what choices I have there ... which is a lot. Guess I may seem like a whiner for wanting sounds from GB . Not really the case , at least for me.I feel like the sounds are there and if I like them I should be able to use them. But inna easier fashion than I seem to be forced to do.

It's like some old comfortable shoes I guess. You feel at home in 'em then your dawg chews the crap out of them and the new ones don't feel as sweet right now .

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Thanks gdoubleyou ,

Because I'm still not getting/finding all my GB instruments when I'm using Logic Pro so I've decided to build up my tunes in GB using any instruments I like there. Then drop the project into Logic Pro for guitar parts , vocals , or anything else I feel will work better in there.

When I do it this way all the GB instruments I've used in GB follow into Logic Pro. Not the way I wanted to do things but a work around I can live with.

Thank both you guys for trying to help me out.


I suggest saving the sounds you like as channel strip presets.

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gdoubleyou ,

I think I understand what you're trying to tell me. If I have to start a project in GB to get a sound I like .... then do so .... BUT save it as channel strip preset once it's in L9. Soon I'd have my favorite sounds from GB saved in L9 and not need to fool with GB anymore.

I'll play around today and see if I can't figure out how to do what you said. Should be fun.... one more step in my journey on learning L9.

Thanks & Peace ,
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In logic just go to the bottom of your channell strip settings list garageband or shared settings w/GB

That should be the solution, but GB mostly uses simplified versions of the Logic effects, you may get better results by substituting effects for a more polished sound.

I think of all the presets as a starting point, and usually tweak them to my liking.

Don't be afraid to twist a knob.

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Logic should load GB sound just fine. Maybe however logic doesn't see them, so it might just be a case of pointing logic into the right direction ie installing all jam packs/ GB-sound into logic. I'm not at home, so can see right now how this is done. I've never had probs loading GB songs in logic, and the sounds came up correctly.
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