Group Buy for Aether reverb plug...


I saw there's a group buy for a reverb plug-in called Aether created by Andrew Souter.
Below is a snip from the site:

"Aether is the first product of 2CAudio, a new sister company of Galbanum. 2CAudio develops audio plug-ins for all of the various host standards and will focus on spatial processing, advanced creative effects, and other future-forward ideas. Aether is essentially an ultimate quality self-modulating algorithmic reverb."

Link to read more about the product:

Link for the group buy:

Andrew Souter, the creator of this plug and owner of the company Galbanum,
is an interesting dude. I had the pleasure of meeting him at a seminar and stayed to chat with him for over an hour. He is the creator of Meta-Synth and various other products & his own line of neat Apple-Loops as well. He is just a real inventive musician & programmer (for those who don't know his work.) If you are interested in sound design tools, his products are worth looking into.

Charlie Eisenhardt

Thanks for the compliments!

Just to clarify: MetaSynth, was created by Eric Wenger, at U&I Software. I've been involved with them for a long time in various ways, and I am the developer of the Architecture Volume One content DVD for the program, but I am not the creator/programmer of MetaSynth. Just to clarify.

But you are right, I am an interesting dude! 😀

2CAudio is a joint company between myself and Denis Malygin. Denis comes to 2CAudio from experiences with Spin Audio, and more recently did some great coding with Sound Toys. We are very proud of Aether, and glad to hear all the positive feedback on it.

The group buy ends tomorrow night, technically at 12AM Pacific time May 01.

The following KVR threads have some good info also:

Thanks man!

Andrew Souter

Galbanum | sonic science aural allusion
2CAudio | convergent creative precision |