Has Anyone Tried AUganizer?

I bought it, and it works on 10.9.2 with Logic. However, because I have a developer version of 10.9.3 on my machine (yes I know it's crazy to do that), I want to report that it crashes Logic on 10.9.3. I'm guessing there will be a fix, but I removed it from my machine.
However, since the organization of AU plugins in the DAW depends on modified text files which are read and interpreted by the DAW, it cannot be guaranteed that all features of such a program will survive future updates of the DAW.

Maybe worth to mention: The Auganizer website looks like a sales machine and does not talk about the people behind this software. At least I did not find names and addresses yet, not even in the "Terms of Sale". The domain data of auganizer.com are hidden by a "security" system provided by a company that appears to live in a P.O. box in Panama. This may not be of concern for you but for me it is because I allow the programmers to write to files on my computer and herewith, potentially, to do things on my computer I may not like.
Thanks for the info, Peter.

I'm of two minds on this kind of thing; on the one hand, I like not having to search through plugin lists via their manufacturer names. On the other hand, I do worry about adding modifications to the software I make a living using.

On a positive note, when I let Auganizer know of the problem I had with the beta, I got an immediate reply, and within a few days an update fixed it.

Whether this means good things or not, I can't say, but they are certainly attentive to their customers' issues.