Hey gang, first post here and I'm stoked to be here. I've had Logic Express 8 for about a week now and am having an issue with trying to reamp a clean guitar signal. To preface, I'm using a Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 for my interface and a Line 6 PODXt for my effects pedal.
The way I've got the signal chain is like this -- I've got my guitar routed into Logic via input 1 on the saffire, and I've got the routing on the track strip set to route that signal out to outputs 3-4. Then I'm routing output 3 (and I've tried output 4 as well) into my Line 6 pedal, and then sending the stereo outs on the Line 6 back into the audio interface via inputs 5 and 6. Then I've got another track strip that's grabbing the signal from inputs 5-6, and then sending that signal out to the master.
When I play live I can see the levels bouncing on both the clean strip and the effects strip, and when I record into the clean strip that part is going ok, but on playback for whatever reason the audio doesn't get bounced through the Line 6 and back into the effects strip. I don't understand why the recorded audio's not bouncing properly to my effects pedal, the audio should be following the preset signal flow correct?
If anyone has a clue as to what's going on that'd be awesome -- I really appreciate it!
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the I/O plugin doesn't seem to remedy the situation either 🙁
The way I've got the signal chain is like this -- I've got my guitar routed into Logic via input 1 on the saffire, and I've got the routing on the track strip set to route that signal out to outputs 3-4. Then I'm routing output 3 (and I've tried output 4 as well) into my Line 6 pedal, and then sending the stereo outs on the Line 6 back into the audio interface via inputs 5 and 6. Then I've got another track strip that's grabbing the signal from inputs 5-6, and then sending that signal out to the master.
When I play live I can see the levels bouncing on both the clean strip and the effects strip, and when I record into the clean strip that part is going ok, but on playback for whatever reason the audio doesn't get bounced through the Line 6 and back into the effects strip. I don't understand why the recorded audio's not bouncing properly to my effects pedal, the audio should be following the preset signal flow correct?
If anyone has a clue as to what's going on that'd be awesome -- I really appreciate it!
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the I/O plugin doesn't seem to remedy the situation either 🙁