Wavetable Jackson
Two tricky problems:
1) Is there a way to Undo Automation for a whole track or Project with a single action? Its so screwed up at present, I'd rather re-do each by hand than fight it. Why will a track refuse your attempts to rewrite an automation move, even when done in Touch mode? I have one that refuses my attempts to keep it OUT of Mute, which I used while adjusting a few other tracks. Now it stubbornly Mutes in the Arrange window and the Mixer as it did while I was mixing a bit. I can hold Mute in the Off position in one window and it still mutes in the OTHER. What the heck...? It SHOULD re-write, right...?
2) I also have several tracks arbitrarily becoming MONO. They don't APPEAR to be in Solo Safe mode- no red slash through the Solo button- and they were previously in stereo, so how can this happen? I followed Apple's own Solo Safe instructions for those that were doing THAT (http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1939), but when I tried to change the setting to channel 256, it did NOT highlight as it said it should. That's probably the issue and at that point, I'm stuck with a damaged Project. Why won't it stay corrected? I'm afraid this thing has become so corrupted, its just lost. I've Saved after fixing this by hand, but it still appears when I recall the Project. There is also a track that keeps jumping into Solo Safe mode when I recall the piece, even after I previously unchecked it manually before saving. Am I screwed because I DIDN'T set up a Prelisten channel before I began? What error in flow am I committing, if any? Any suggestions? I swear I didn't hit "Auto-Corrupt".... thanks!
1) Is there a way to Undo Automation for a whole track or Project with a single action? Its so screwed up at present, I'd rather re-do each by hand than fight it. Why will a track refuse your attempts to rewrite an automation move, even when done in Touch mode? I have one that refuses my attempts to keep it OUT of Mute, which I used while adjusting a few other tracks. Now it stubbornly Mutes in the Arrange window and the Mixer as it did while I was mixing a bit. I can hold Mute in the Off position in one window and it still mutes in the OTHER. What the heck...? It SHOULD re-write, right...?
2) I also have several tracks arbitrarily becoming MONO. They don't APPEAR to be in Solo Safe mode- no red slash through the Solo button- and they were previously in stereo, so how can this happen? I followed Apple's own Solo Safe instructions for those that were doing THAT (http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1939), but when I tried to change the setting to channel 256, it did NOT highlight as it said it should. That's probably the issue and at that point, I'm stuck with a damaged Project. Why won't it stay corrected? I'm afraid this thing has become so corrupted, its just lost. I've Saved after fixing this by hand, but it still appears when I recall the Project. There is also a track that keeps jumping into Solo Safe mode when I recall the piece, even after I previously unchecked it manually before saving. Am I screwed because I DIDN'T set up a Prelisten channel before I began? What error in flow am I committing, if any? Any suggestions? I swear I didn't hit "Auto-Corrupt".... thanks!