steven hewlett jr
New Member
Hey guys, I have a lot of questions. I am a soldier in afghanistan, and i recently released an instrumental album on Itunes called just music. When people heard it from the download on itunes or amazon, they said it sounded a bit mal- nourished, but when i mixed the tracks on my mac they always sounded really good from a few different type of headphones and some descent speakers. The levels were messed up. I am a workstation kind of guy roland fantom to be exact, i am used to that full thick studio sound it creates. I fell in love with the crisp editing and raw instrument sounds that logic has and switched over. I am happy but lost a bit. If you know a lot about the program, is there any way you could drop some clues and tips my way. I have yet to use the wave image format for any of my recordings, so that may be an issue as well.