I've run into a hurdle in Logic's basic event handling: How to move a group of events while zoomed out, without having to zoom in enough to grab the 'middle' of an event allowing simple dragging of the entire event(s) to the left or right? I've read the latest L9 manual on handling midi events but there doesn't seem to be a way (that works for me, anyway) to override the default horizontal-drag-changes-note-length. Suggestions? Tips?
Background: I laid down 8 bars of hihats unrelated to project Tempo and wanted to start the hats at bar 1.1.0 and then map tempo to the hats, but got stuck just trying drag the bunch to 1.1.0 until I realized I needed to zoom in far enough to grab the middle of a note to do the horizontal drag...
Background: I laid down 8 bars of hihats unrelated to project Tempo and wanted to start the hats at bar 1.1.0 and then map tempo to the hats, but got stuck just trying drag the bunch to 1.1.0 until I realized I needed to zoom in far enough to grab the middle of a note to do the horizontal drag...