Logic Pro 8 Hot Plugging


Hey All,

What is the current state of being able to hot plug an audio interface from a current generation MacBook Pro. Is it safe to do? Are there specific interfaces it works better/worse with? Do either USB 2.0 or FW interfaces work better than the other in general? A buddy of mine is looking for an interface for a new MBP and wants to be able to do routinely do this without having to reboot if possible.

Any thoughts or experiences about this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the info, guys. For my purposes, I'm hoping the "direct monitoring" source mixing built into most of these devices will suffice.

Tony: It makes sense that the UA-101 would work at USB 2.0 on Mac by now; and at any rate you're not having bandwidth problems. What system are you on, exactly?

I'm leaning towards trying the Emu at this point, to see if it's enough box for my modest needs. If it doesn't work for me, I'll know I can move up to UA-101 for a bit more $$.
Yeah, in my Googling I certainly picked up a lot of Tascam driver issues. Also more than a few for the Presonus and M-Audio USB interfaces. There seem to be many more problem-plagued interfaces out there than there are solid ones!


Peter W
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A hub could help with this, or an extension cable- at least it will help with damage to the interface side of things- you plug the interface into a hub or extension cable and you plug the hub or extension cable into the computer. This way you are leaving the interface always hooked up. Could be worth a little bit extra peace of mind : )
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Thanks for the info, guys. For my purposes, I'm hoping the "direct monitoring" source mixing built into most of these devices will suffice.

It will be fine. even if you out a signal through a desk there's still some tiny latency...

Tony: It makes sense that the UA-101 would work at USB 2.0 on Mac by now; and at any rate you're not having bandwidth problems. What system are you on, exactly?

Macbook and Logic

I'm leaning towards trying the Emu at this point, to see if it's enough box for my modest needs. If it doesn't work for me, I'll know I can move up to UA-101 for a bit more $$.

I think the EMU is a better choice if you do not require multi I/O.

Yeah, in my Googling I certainly picked up a lot of Tascam driver issues. Also more than a few for the Presonus and M-Audio USB interfaces. There seem to be many more problem-plagued interfaces out there than there are solid ones!

It's more likely that people only write when there are issues/fighting a cause. Those that are happy get on with recording/living their lives. A case in point is this very forum. The vast majority of the active LUG membership have simply started posting/reading here without saying much at all.

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