Logic Pro 9 How do i determine a proper mix level for the metronome when mixing in logic???


Metronome tends to jump up in the master fader...when i push the kick till it sounds good to me...(for Eg)....but when i take off the metronome at this point the kick is not peaking the master fader......only when i apply the metronome again.....

is there any rule to follow here...with regards to pitch and/or velocity of the metronome???

Help Please
Since the metronome is basically for recording only, does it really matter if the master is peaking? It's only temporary. As long as the signal you are tracking isn't clipping, you should be fine.

If the clipping is bothering you while recording, just pull down the whole master fader a bit temporarily (while recording) and boost your headphone/monitor volume to compensate.
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so the metronome does not end up anywhere in the final mix...for a reference???

It would if you kept it on and it was routed to the mix bus.

I don't know of any situation though in which anyone would want a metronome in their final mix.

In the metronome settings you can specify to have it either off, on while recording or on during playback. The usual setting for me (and many people I suspect) is on while recording only. I might turn it on during playback just to see how close to the metronome some recorded unquantised material might be, but apart from that (as Eli mentioned) it is purely as a reference guide for when you are recording.

Having said that, if you really do like the sound of the metronome, then you could have it in your mix if you think it enhances your music.
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so the metronome does not end up anywhere in the final mix...for a reference???

Having said that, if you really do like the sound of the metronome, then you could have it in your mix if you think it enhances your music.

I think if you want a really good metronome sound I have a sample of a 1920s original wooden Wittner metronome recorded with a Brauner VMA through a LaChapell 992EG Tube Preamp in 196/24. I have it on 64Kb mp3 I can send you...


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when i say reference in the mix....im not referring to recording stage...im talking bout the mixing stage...where you use the metronome to as your guide in for (EG) mixing drums...the kick...the snare...the hats....

so that you can achieve your levels individually....

unless im way off....as to how to mix....lol
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Just out of curiosity, how does having the metronome on when you are mixing help you "achieve your levels individually?" I'm not even entirely certain what you mean by this.
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well...im going under the assumption that the metronome while you are mixing the tracks is supposed to be the loudest thing through out this process..and it is supposed to be clear at all times ..to be used as as the reference so that you dont ever peak over the metronome....

and that when your finish with your mix you simply take it off...

however when i try to apply the theory...all the levels drop and seem very low..

if this is incorrect pl point me in the direction that i need to be with regards to mixing tracks...

i have no probs with the recording part...

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well...im going under the assumption that the metronome while you are mixing the tracks is supposed to be the loudest thing through out this process..and it is supposed to be clear at all times ..to be used as as the reference so that you dont ever peak over the metronome....

I've never heard of that.

I would just carry on the way you are, but without the metronome.

The vital reference for the overall mix being too loud is the peak light or dB readout at the top of the output fader. You don't want it to go above 0dB or go red. If it does, you don't need to rebalance, just pull that fader down a bit.
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What possible use or function are you gaining by comparing the levels of your instruments to the level of the metronome? I don't get it. Whats' the metronome got to do with your mix?? It's merely meant as a timing reference. It serves no useful role in the mixing process. You're making it harder to mix properly by throwing the metronome into the mix and then taking it out. In general, when you mix, you should only be mixing sounds that you want in your mix!!!

If it's some sort of metering reference to use that you are after, check out the metering plug-ins.
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