ha yea i know i just tried the demo version of vanguard I really like it. but I was asking should I get the 99.99 vanguard or the $350, which is called Vanguard Complete.
so if I buy it online, do they mail it to me, or does the fact that its a plug in mean I download it, like I did for the demo. Cuz if they mail it to me I would rather see if I can get it at guitar center that way I don't have to wait for it. I want to get it tonight but not if they mail it to me...
Ok, sorry for the confusion.
The Complete Bundle seems to be Vanguard plus every sound-set that ReFx has come out with for it.
I think it all comes down to your budget and how comfortable you are with tweaking & programming sounds.
You could purchase the basic Vanguard and perhaps one or two soundsets (after listening to their previews on the ReFx website,) and have a good arsenal without spending the $350 price tag.
If the money isn't an issue then I suppose you could buy the whole thing! Honestly, I think it's a little steep because I personally do not mind starting with a sound and tweaking it to be something else. I do not like to have too many presets. But that's me.
There are also soundsets available for the Vanguard made by 3rd party programmers. (sorry, I'm not in front of my system right now but I can tell you I have paid decent prices for legit useful soundsets for Vanguard and other synths out on the innerwebz...
As far as I remember, when you pay for Vanguard, the product downloads to your computer, soundsets & all. There are NO discs, no waiting for anything in the mail.
You will need to run your AU Validator and possibly enter your license code when Logic opens it for the first time.
I cannot remember if the license is a code or if it was an iLok License.
I'm sure this info is listed on the purchase pages at ReFx...
I remember I was up & running pretty quick when I purchased it.
-I just purchased their Guitar Emulator "Slayer2" last month and it loaded up in minutes.
NICE chunky guitar-synth, but I digress...
I do not know what your comfort level with programming or learning synths is.
I would play it safe and get the Vanguard and perhaps an extra soundset or two as opposed to buying the whole Complete Bundle.
It just seems like overkill to me.
You will probably have very close to what you need and not spend so much.
But really, only you can decide what you are comfortable with.
Keep in mind that even with having every soundset available to you, you might still have to tweak some sounds to get them how you like.