Logic Pro 8 How do you initialize presets in logic instruments?

Usually each instrument has a preset called "default" as the first preset in the preset list. That will return their settings to their "default" state.

TIP: You can overwrite the "default" preset with whatever settings you like, and have the instrument open up with that setting each time you call it up.
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..and if you're talking about channel strip presets, there is a "clear channel strip settings" at the top of the strip presets list.

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There's still a lot of modulations going on in them default presets. I have to reset them manual and save, couldn't find how u do it in the channel strip
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There's still a lot of modulations going on in them default presets. I have to reset them manual and save, couldn't find how u do it in the channel strip

Could you be more specific? Which instrument in particular are you talking about? Is it a channel strip setting, or simply a preset for an instrument that you are referring to?
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Well, other than choosing the "default" patch from the preset list, adjust it with the settings as you like, and then re-save it with the name "default". It will then open in that state every time you call up a new instance.
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For the ES2, go to tutorial setings folder on the preset menu and load the analog saw init preset. As it says, it's a 1 saw osc, filter fully open no mod no env no lfo etc ...
You have a default ES2 fm patch etc ...

For Sculpture I don't remember the folder name (not in front of Logic now) but there's a default preset (I think there's a tutorial folder as well).

For the ES1, there's a pure synth patch, which is an init I use for crafting sounds.
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