Logic Pro 7 & earlier How to fix midi lag w/ Logic 5 on Windows 7? <-- PC noob

Seasons greetings!

background: I'm a Mac guy who is using windows 7 for the first time to gain access to some old Logic 5 projects where I need use of the mk I EXS24 sampler.

After installing Logic 5, I plugged an Akai LPK25 USB midi controller into my toshiba PC and the midi latency is pretty soggy. I really don't know much about PC's and how people refine a useful midi connection for use with usb midi controllers. I did, of course, install the driver for the LPK25 so that the device would be recognized in the first place.

How would the other half (pc users) deal with such a situation? Are there some standard/universal midi drivers that would do the trick? Some inventive Logic settings tinkering?

Thanks for your time and attention!

Also, where would I go to locate the version of Windows 7 that came preintalled on my PC?

Thanks so much!