Logic Pro 8 How to reconnect mistaken EXS samples


New Member

I have some Advanced Orchestra samples that I tried to load into EXS. During the loadup I got a dialogue box asking which of multiple files I meant to be loading (the names of the aifs are just a1.aif, a2.aif, etc. generically). And I clicked the wrong set of files so now my string runs are playing trombone crescendos. How do I go back into the EXS instrument and reconnect the correct files? Thank you!
Perhaps you saved the song after the sampe mistake, right?...
If not so, simply reload the song.
Or you may load a previous song backup, if you have the relevant option enabled in Logic preferences.
Otherwise you may remove the affected exs instance from relevant instrument channel strip, re-instantiate again an exs instance into that channel and select again the string patch you need.
It shoud work unless you saved also the exs string patch from the exs editor overwriting the original one.
Or, if your patch was saved with wrong samples into a project folder because you checked the "include assets" option, you may always reload the original patch from your library instead of the "defective" one in project folder.

In any case, Logic should have changed samples references only for that specific patch in that song. If you load the "broken" string patch in a new song it should work correctly. Moreover: if this works, you may save the patch as an instrument channel strip set and then recall it in the "broken" song. Or even copy/paste the channel strip set between songs...
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