Logic Pro 9 Install Logic 9 or snow Leopard first ?


I am upgrading to Logic pro 9 from express 8 , I also want to update to Snow Leopard .
My question is I have pro 9 just arrived today should I wait and load Snow Leopard first ? Does it matter..? Just thought I'd ask rather then guess....Thank you !
I'm a firm believer that major OS updates should be installed cleanly. Anytime the whole number changes is time for a complete backup, an HD reformat and a Clean Install of the OS *and* clean installs of critical apps. Apple's wizards are pretty good, but they miss stuff, and sometimes screw *everything* up. I never take that chance with a major OS update. Even old Preference files can cause problems.

A large percentage of complaints about new System software are caused by ignoring this common sense approach.

Been doin' this awhile...


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I'm a firm believer that major OS updates should be installed cleanly. Anytime the whole number changes is time for a complete backup, an HD reformat and a Clean Install of the OS *and* clean installs of critical apps.

I'll raise you one and suggest that instead of doing this, just insert a new HD and start istalling from scratch on it. This means that:

- If something goes wrong, you still have your old OS install and can just pop the drive back in, without even having to worry about anything going wrong restoring from a backup.
- As HDs get bigger and faster, you benefit from having more space
- As HDs don't last forever, you benefit from swapping your OS HD for a fresh one every couple of years anyway.

The caveats are:

It means having to spend a bit of money on a new one, but compared to the value of your time setting up a complete DAW this seems to be to be a small issue.
This is easy for Mac Pros but obviously less straightforward when it comes to iMacs and Notebooks.

kind regards

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I did a clean install of Snow Leopard to a new drive and then used the Migration Assistant to bring across my user information and applications.

It seemed to work pretty well. Even the authorisations for RMX and Omnisphere came across. The first time I haven't had to get a new token after an OS upgrade.

I saw a few minor problems. PowerPC binaries were copied across but not archived as they would have been during an upgrade. I had to manually review these and deleted any that I no longer required

The useful tip I offer is: After restarting your machine open the Console viewer in the Utilities directory. Review the list of messages for any failing kexts, startup items, plug-ins and extensions. Locate any that fail in the finder, right click, show more info. If they are PowerPC then you can delete safely. I also found a hidden problem through this technique with the EyeTV helper that was constantly failing and trying to restart. A simple trip to the vendors site pointed me at an update that fixed the problem. My system restart time is now significantly faster as a result of this 20 minute tidy up

Hope this helps

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I am upgrading to Logic pro 9 from express 8 , I also want to update to Snow Leopard .
My question is I have pro 9 just arrived today should I wait and load Snow Leopard first ? Does it matter..? Just thought I'd ask rather then guess....Thank you !

Usually you should install them in the order of their shipment. Logic shipped before SnowLeopard, so you would install Logic first.

The reason for this is: Apple might fix an installation of Logic with the SnowLeopard installation. But because both products shipped so close to each other, I can tell you: it doesn't matter.

I usually install the OS first and then the applications.
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I'm a firm believer that major OS updates should be installed cleanly. Anytime the whole number changes is time for a complete backup, an HD reformat and a Clean Install of the OS *and* clean installs of critical apps.

I'll raise you one and suggest that instead of doing this, just insert a new HD and start istalling from scratch on it. This means that:

- If something goes wrong, you still have your old OS install and can just pop the drive back in, without even having to worry about anything going wrong restoring from a backup.
- As HDs get bigger and faster, you benefit from having more space
- As HDs don't last forever, you benefit from swapping your OS HD for a fresh one every couple of years anyway.

The caveats are:

It means having to spend a bit of money on a new one, but compared to the value of your time setting up a complete DAW this seems to be to be a small issue.
This is easy for Mac Pros but obviously less straightforward when it comes to iMacs and Notebooks.

kind regards


Great advice, I agree with you. For clean installs, It usually takes around 3-5 hrs. More even if you're re-doing really large no. of programs/plugins etc.

I'm using Logic Studio 8 and have lots of personally customized apple loops as well as channel strips, exs24 instruments, My Own Space designer IR's, Logic Templates... So I think I might not do a clean install for Logic 9. I'm hoping, Logic 9 imports all my previous Logic 8 settings key commands etc. just like logic 8 kept all my past Logic 6 settings and exs24 instruments.

Josef Horhay
Mixing Engineer
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